
About Tyler

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Tyler always wanted to get in the game of online fitness training to offer his insight as an industry professional. He felt there was a great need among many populations but was especially focused on designing men’s training protocols.

Tyler is a Career Personal Trainer, Fitness Author (In Print & Online) X-Total Health Radio Host with a BSc. in Kinesiolgy and is Certified through the NSCA-CPT as a personal trainer, High Performance Core Specialist through the CHEK Institute and is a Collegiate and International Track & Field Coach.

He remains a full time personal trainer and coach with over 20,000+ hours as a fitness professional and has been active in the health and fitness industry for well over 20 years.

It’s Tyler’s goal to help educate, coach and support people just like you in developing quality, safe and effective programming. The goal is to remove the fluff, cut out suspect training protocols and focus on the long lasting pillars of health and fitness training.

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