Listen, I get it, things get busy and you’re exhausted and not getting in shape so society says: just call it a “dad bod” and things will be ok for now..

Just go wilt under a tree and sob for a bit and everything will be ok..

I’m not being sarcastic here, I mean it, sometimes you need to let it out and take a second and have a breather.

Sometimes we all need a break. I agree with this and I am 100% a nurturing coach-I despise the fire with fire coach-I would never treat athletes or clients that way.

Take A Break First and Mend

Recovery, mental exhaustion and running yourself ragged is not good for your health or your fitness. I have no problem with someone who needs a second.

My own routines are not iron clad. I take an extra day pretty much whenever I need it.

Some good reasons to take a break for the next workout:

  • Super stressful day at work and though you want to, you just can do the gym today.
  • Really angry about something and relaxing, or distracting would be better.
  • You’ve been overdoing it.
  • You’re low on sleep and or energy (aka two or more areas).
  • You feel on the edge of getting sick.

The key to taking a break is recognizing that you do want to do the workout but you know you probably shouldn’t.

Do NOT Accept A Dad Bod

Ok, once you’ve had a break, we’re going to get back at it and I’ll say it again:

Do NOT accept a Dad Bod.

We’re going to say that a DAD BOD is something we’re not going to get too comfy with.

A dad bod is a perfect way to accept a current, lesser fit you and that’s not good.

It’s a very comfy term and it’s catchy so you can so easily fall into it’s lure.

Go For This Bod Instead

A Dad Bod with some good muscle on it

A Fit Dad with good endurance.

A fast Dad who can still move well.

A Dad with a young and lean bod.

See how the energy changes when you read these “bods” above? This is the kind of things I want you to stay hooked into. You want to keep your mental chit chat in a good place. You can do that kind of thing with a bit of filtering of what you accept regarding your health.

Pick a Bod that gets you excited to work for, not one that leaves you feeling ho-hum or in melon collie or kinda sad. That’s no way to be for a Dad.