I’ve been told SO many times that it’s just calories in vs. calories out. My friend’s dad told me this 30 years ago, clients tell me all the time and it’s science right? You literally cannot take in more calories than you eat right?!

Listen, we’re guys, we’re smart, we know what the heck is up right? Well, yeah. for the most part, I love our logic, I love our see-through-the-garbage goggles and our un-agreeableness. It’s what stops us from agreeing to a high price or a silly marketing tactic and getting sucked in by an infomercial or crooked car salesman. Cause we’re men and we don’t take…you know from anyone. It’s a good way to live and I like it. So, we’re gonna keep all those great traits and we’re gonna add one or two insights to them.

It’s true, you literally cannot take in more calories than you eat. But sometimes, we forget what happens after a calorie goes in and what that calorie is packed in when we eat it.

How to Build A Human

If you’re building a house, a car, a coral reef or a human, you need different parts and pieces to get it done properly. Eating to me, is pretty much the same. We need a variety of stuff to build ourselves properly and compete in this world.

I had ice cream on a date one time in the late afternoon and went to do my workout shortly thereafter and despite lots of calories on board, it didn’t go great. Now some may say that I just needed more time to digest the calories but hopefully my point isn’t lost on everyone.