You know you shouldn’t eat that so why are you?

Well, there’s some genuine reasons why you might be eating something you should not. Now, I’m not gonna get into the science because I’m not qualified to and second, I’m not fond of the word enzyme.

Instead, I’m just going to tell you what I see with clients. I’ve seen this with clients, friends and family repeat over and over. In this case, I also see the pattern in both men and women.

Here’s how the Evil Eating Starts

It’s late in the afternoon or  the evening and it’s time for a treat. You’ve probably had a long day, a boring day, a tough day or maybe even a great day and now, it’s time for something tasty!

It might be:

  • Chips,
  • Cookies,
  • Chocolate,
  • Ice cream,
  • A big handful of nuts,
  • Some brownies made with love,
  • A few glasses of red wine or another libation-you get the idea.

I get it. I’m a genuine sweet tooth. A bag of chips will last forever in my house but Halloween candy is on borrowed time.

Two Ways to Stop Eating What You Shouldn’t

If you could stop eating unhealthy foods all together, that would be fantastic. That being said, we might be reaching a bit with that idea. Instead, here are two ways to curb eating what you shouldn’t.

#1, Check the healthy food.

Look at when and how much healthy foods you ARE eating. Routinely, I see people not eating healthy foods throughout the day for whatever reason and then gorging on unhealthy treats later on.

Think about how many days this happens in a year? 100, 130, 160? 

It’s probably a big number so we’ve gotta look at it.

If you’ve spent your day like this and now it’s 4pm and you’re crashing into that hungry, “Cravy”, “Hangry” low energy state, you’re in trouble.

Contrarily, if you’ve got a bit of healthy eating in the first half of your day, things may not fall apart as badly.

I’ve also noted that when people eat healthier throughout the day, they seem to have smaller treats. This is big because if we can decrease the size and amount of the unhealthy treat, we’re definitely going in the right direction.

#2, Pre-eat before your treat.

Yes it rhymes, and that should help you remember it. Pre-Eat Before Your Treat.

  • How’s your water intake and healthy protein intake been today?
  • Are you low on energy overall?
  • Do you need a proper meal? 

Whatever it may be, eat and or drink those healthy foods first. Pre-Eat some healthy food!

Now I know what your gonna say, you don’t want some salad crap or rabbit sticks right now,  you need a gosh darn ______!

Yeah, I hear ya. We’ve all been there. Just try and do this sometimes to begin with. We don’t need to go instant cold turkey (which may be a healthier food choice).

Key Point: The fact is that sometimes, you’re not eating for joy. You’re just shoving in some healthy food because that’s what the engine actually needs. Just get it done and it should pay off in the long run. And I don’t expect you to be perfect so don’t worry if you can’t do it every time either. Just keep trying.

